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Hi there, just wanted to say thank you for offering all of your wonderful items, I purchased a lot of your items a few years ago for investments. Since then we changed our address. I want to start collecting again. Just wanted to say thank you for offering all these wonderful items. Thank you again, Ken D.
"Some of the best customer service I have ever experienced in all my "old timer" years. Absolutely exceptional ! You can expect the product to be well packed and average delivery times. I will continue to do business with this exceptional company." Tucker H.
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Benchmark Strategic Metals
1645 Lyell Ave.
Rochester, NY 14606
(USA & Canada)
1-585-465-8988 (USA)
12PM – 6PM M-F (EST)
+31 630154067 (Europe)
10.00 – 16.00 M-F (CEST)